Here comes a macro for Open Office Writer, written in StarBasic.
It aims at realizing a sort of constraint logic between controls in a form.
In the first part there is a data structure which specify all the constraints
on three controls, where the first two a comboboxes and the last is a text area.
In the second part there is the handler for the "onChange" event,
which loads data according to the specifications in the data structure.
REM ***** BASIC *****
'data block
' tabella dependenciesTable(objName, value, dependentObj, valueSetID)
' Primary Key: objName, value, dependentOb
' associa per ogni oggetto 'objName'
' un oggetto dipendente 'dependentObj' che assumerĂ
' il set di valori identificato da 'valueSetID' (vedere tabella valueSets)
' quando l'oggetto 'objName' assumerĂ il valore 'value'
Global dependenciesTable(2, 3) As String
' tabella valueSets(valueSetID, value)
' Primary Key: valueSetID, value
' associa per ogni valueSetID un set di valori
Global valueSets(6, 1) As String
Sub Init
dependenciesTable(0, 0) = "cb1"
dependenciesTable(0, 1) = "uno"
dependenciesTable(0, 2) = "cb2"
dependenciesTable(0, 3) = "1"
dependenciesTable(1, 0) = "cb1"
dependenciesTable(1, 1) = "due"
dependenciesTable(1, 2) = "cb2"
dependenciesTable(1, 3) = "2"
dependenciesTable(2, 0) = "cb1"
dependenciesTable(2, 1) = "tre"
dependenciesTable(2, 2) = "cb3"
dependenciesTable(2, 3) = "3"
valueSets(0, 0) = "1"
valueSets(0, 1) = "obj1ValPerUno1"
valueSets(1, 0) = "1"
valueSets(1, 1) = "obj1ValPerUno2"
valueSets(2, 0) = "1"
valueSets(2, 1) = "obj1ValPerUno3"
valueSets(3, 0) = "2"
valueSets(3, 1) = "obj1ValPerDue1"
valueSets(4, 0) = "2"
valueSets(4, 1) = "obj1ValPerDue2"
valueSets(5, 0) = "2"
valueSets(5, 1) = "obj1ValPerDue3"
valueSets(6, 0) = "3"
valueSets(6, 1) = "selezionato il valore tre"
End Sub
'end of data block
'engine block
Sub Main
End Sub
' ritorna nel parametro values il set dei valori
' da assegnare a un oggetto dependentObj
' quando l'oggetto ctrlName vale selectedVal
' il set di valori ritornati dipendono da che valore ha assunto il controllo che ha scatenato l'evento
' secondo le tabelle dependenciesTable e valueSets
Sub getValueSet(ctrlName As String, selectedVal As String, dependentObj As String, values)
Dim valueId As String
Dim firstTime As Integer
firstTime = 1
Dim last As Integer
last = 0
'selezione dell'id dei valori, nella tabella valueSets
For I = 0 To UBound(dependenciesTable)
If dependenciesTable(I, 0) = ctrlName AND dependenciesTable(I, 1) = selectedVal AND dependenciesTable(I, 2) = dependentObj Then
valueId = dependenciesTable(I, 3) ' id dei valori selezionato
Exit For
End If
' ricerca dei valori in valueSets in base all'id
For I = 0 To UBound(valueSets)
If valueSets(I, 0) = valueId Then
If FirstTime = 0 Then
last = last + 1
Redim Preserve values(last)
End If
values(last) = valueSets(I, 1)
End If
firstTime = 0
End Sub
' ritorna nel parametro res l'elenco degli oggetti dipendenti
' dal controllo ctrlName quando il suo valore è ctrlValue
' i controlli di questo elenco dipendono da che valore ha assunto il controllo che ha scatenato l'evento
' secondo la tabella dependenciesTable
Sub getDependentObjsId(ctrlName As String, ctrlValue As String, res)
Dim firstTime As Integer
firstTime = 1
Dim last As Integer
last = 0
For I = 0 To UBound(dependenciesTable)
If dependenciesTable(I, 0) = ctrlName AND dependenciesTable(I, 1) = ctrlValue AND res(last) <> dependenciesTable(I, 2) Then 'last clause helps in preventing from inserting duplicates (not guaranteeing)
If FirstTime = 0 Then
last = last + 1
Redim Preserve res(last)
End If
res(last) = dependenciesTable(I, 2)
End If
firstTime = 0
End Sub
Sub OnChangeValue(oEvent)
oControl = oEvent.Source.Model
oForm = oControl.Parent
Dim valueId As String
Dim depObjs(0) As String
'popola l'array depObjs con l'elenco dei controlli dipendenti dall'evento corrente
getDependentObjsId(oControl.Name, oControl.Text, depObjs)
Dim textVar As String
For I = 0 To UBound(depObjs) ' per ogni elemento dipendente
Dim listValues(0)
listValues(0) = ""
getValueSet(oControl.Name, oControl.Text, depObjs(I), listValues) 'valori
For K = 0 to oForm.Count - 1
If oForm.getByIndex(K).Name = depObjs(I) Then
If hasProperty(oForm.getByIndex(K), "StringItemList") = 1 Then 'ComboBox
oForm.getByIndex(K).StringItemList = listValues
oForm.getByIndex(K).Text = ""
Else 'altro caso
textVar = ""
For valIdx = 0 To UBound(listValues)
textVar = "" & textVar & listValues(valIdx)
oForm.getByIndex(K).Text = textVar
End If
Exit For
Next K
End Sub
Function hasProperty( oObj, prop )
oIntrospection = createUnoService( "" )
oObjInfo = oIntrospection.inspect( oObj )
oProperties = oObjInfo.getProperties( )
For i = LBound( oProperties ) To UBound( oProperties )
oProperty = oProperties( i )
cPropertyName = oProperty.Name
If cPropertyName = prop Then
hasProperty() = 1
Exit Function
End If
hasProperty() = 0
End Function
'end of engine block
this blog is intended to be a place to store code snippets, examples, notes... in order to have them handy and to quickly find during the everyday work
Search This Blog
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Linux keyboard remapping on X server
- use xev to retrieve keycodes
- use xmodmap
to load a remapping file
- use the command setxkbmap to restore a keyboard setting, ex.
the command "setxkbmap it" restore the it keyboard
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Oracle parse number
how to parse as a number the string 1670.0000
note that the substring ., is enclosed within single quotes
note that the substring ., is enclosed within single quotes
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
inspect Oracle db
select * from dictionary order by table_name
show database version and parameters
select * from v$version
select * from nls_database_parameters
V$ Views
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Linux, information about the distribution
suppose you are asked to take care of a Linux system you've never seen before, and nobody is able to tell anything about it, at first you can get some information about the distribution and the kernel by using the commands
cat /etc/*-release
uname -a
cat /etc/*-release
uname -a
Friday, 27 November 2009
OpenOffice API, a generic document inspector
Here comes a useful program to inspect the content of a document (Open Office .odt or Microsoft Word .doc) in order to read paragraphs, text sections, bookmarks, text fields, forms and tables.
package docreader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class DocReaderParser {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DocReaderParser.class);
public DocReaderParser() {
private String classifyFormComponentType(XPropertySet xComponent,
String name, DocumentModel documentModel) throws Exception {
String sType = "";
XServiceInfo xSI = (XServiceInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XServiceInfo.class, xComponent);
XPropertySetInfo xPSI = null;
if (null != xComponent) {
xPSI = xComponent.getPropertySetInfo();
* Property ps[] = xPSI.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i <
* ps.length; i++) { logger.debug("ps " + ps[i].Name); }
XPropertySet xCompProps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xComponent);
if ((null != xPSI) && xPSI.hasPropertyByName("ClassId")) {
// get the ClassId property
Short nClassId = (Short) xCompProps.getPropertyValue("ClassId");
switch (nClassId.intValue()) {
case FormComponentType.COMMANDBUTTON:
sType = "Command button";
case FormComponentType.RADIOBUTTON:
sType = "Radio button";
case FormComponentType.IMAGEBUTTON:
sType = "Image button";
case FormComponentType.CHECKBOX:
sType = "Check Box";
case FormComponentType.LISTBOX:
sType = "List Box";
short[] selectedItems = (short[]) xCompProps
String[] items = (String[]) xCompProps
if (items != null && items.length > 0) {
ArrayList selectedItemsModelList = new ArrayList();
for (int item_idx = 0; item_idx < selectedItems.length; item_idx++) {
if (selectedItems[item_idx] > -1
&& selectedItems[item_idx] < items.length) {
logger.debug("property SelectedItems[" + item_idx
+ "]: " + items[selectedItems[item_idx]]);
}// if
}// for
if (selectedItemsModelList.size() > 0) {
case FormComponentType.COMBOBOX:
sType = "Combo Box";
case FormComponentType.GROUPBOX:
sType = "Group Box";
case FormComponentType.FIXEDTEXT:
sType = "Fixed Text";
case FormComponentType.GRIDCONTROL:
sType = "Grid Control";
case FormComponentType.FILECONTROL:
sType = "File Control";
case FormComponentType.HIDDENCONTROL:
sType = "Hidden Control";
case FormComponentType.IMAGECONTROL:
sType = "Image Control";
case FormComponentType.DATEFIELD:
sType = "Date Field";
case FormComponentType.TIMEFIELD:
sType = "Time Field";
case FormComponentType.NUMERICFIELD:
sType = "Numeric Field";
case FormComponentType.CURRENCYFIELD:
sType = "Currency Field";
case FormComponentType.PATTERNFIELD:
sType = "Pattern Field";
case FormComponentType.TEXTFIELD:
// there are two known services with this class id: the usual
// text field,
// and the formatted field
sType = "Text Field";
logger.debug("property Text: "
+ xCompProps.getPropertyValue("Text"));
documentModel.addFormElement(name, ""
+ xCompProps.getPropertyValue("Text"));
if ((null != xSI)
&& xSI
.supportsService("")) {
sType = "Formatted Field";
} else {
if ((null != xSI)
&& xSI
.supportsService("")) {
sType = "Form";
return sType;
private XDrawPage getDocumentDrawPage(XComponent m_xDocument)
throws java.lang.Exception {
XModel s_aDocument = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class,
XDrawPage xReturn;
// in case of a Writer document, this is rather easy: simply ask the
// XDrawPageSupplier
XDrawPageSupplier xSuppPage = (XDrawPageSupplier) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XDrawPageSupplier.class, s_aDocument);
xReturn = xSuppPage.getDrawPage();
if (null == xReturn) {
// the model itself is no draw page supplier - then it may be an
// Impress or Calc
// (or any other multi-page) document
XDrawPagesSupplier xSuppPages = (XDrawPagesSupplier) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XDrawPagesSupplier.class, s_aDocument);
XDrawPages xPages = xSuppPages.getDrawPages();
xReturn = (XDrawPage) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDrawPage.class,
// Note that this is not really error-proof code: If the document
// model does not support the
// XDrawPagesSupplier interface, or if the pages collection returned
// is empty, this will break.
return xReturn;
private XNameContainer getFormComponentTreeRoot( m_xDocument)
throws java.lang.Exception {
XFormsSupplier xSuppForms = (XFormsSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XFormsSupplier.class, getDocumentDrawPage(m_xDocument));
XNameContainer xFormsCollection = null;
if (null != xSuppForms) {
xFormsCollection = xSuppForms.getForms();
return xFormsCollection;
private void enumerateFormComponents(XNameAccess xContainer,
String sPrefix, DocumentModel documentModel)
throws java.lang.Exception {
// loop through all the element names
String aNames[] = xContainer.getElementNames();
for (int i = 0; i < aNames.length; ++i) {
// print the child name
+ " recognized element, name: " + sPrefix + aNames[i]);
XPropertySet xModelProps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xContainer
logger.debug("classifyFormComponentType: "
+ classifyFormComponentType(xModelProps, aNames[i],
// check if it is a FormComponents component itself
XServiceInfo xSI = (XServiceInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XServiceInfo.class, xContainer.getByName(aNames[i]));
if (xSI.supportsService("")) {
XNameAccess xChildContainer = (XNameAccess) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, xSI);
enumerateFormComponents(xChildContainer, new String(" ")
+ sPrefix, documentModel);
private void enumerateTextComponents(XComponent xComp,
DocumentModel documentModel) throws NoSuchElementException,
WrappedTargetException, UnknownPropertyException {
// query the new document for the XTextDocument interface
XTextDocument xTextDocument = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, xComp);
XText xText = xTextDocument.getText();
// Get Access to the TextFields in the document
XTextFieldsSupplier xTextFieldsSupplier = (XTextFieldsSupplier) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XTextFieldsSupplier.class, xComp);
XEnumerationAccess xEnumeratedFields = xTextFieldsSupplier
XEnumeration enumeration = xEnumeratedFields.createEnumeration();
// Loop through the TextFields
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
Object field = enumeration.nextElement();
XDependentTextField dependentTextField = (XDependentTextField) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XDependentTextField.class, field);
XPropertySet propertySet = dependentTextField.getTextFieldMaster();
String name = (String) propertySet.getPropertyValue("Name");
logger.debug("textfield name name " + name);
XPropertySetInfo propertysetInfo = propertySet.getPropertySetInfo();
Property properties[] = propertysetInfo.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
logger.debug("prop " + properties[i].Name);
// enumerate paragraphs
logger.debug("create an enumeration of all paragraphs");
XEnumeration xParagraphEnumeration = null;
XEnumerationAccess xParaEnumerationAccess = null;
XEnumeration xTextPortionEnum;
XTextContent xTextElement = null;
// create an enumeration access of all paragraphs of a document
XEnumerationAccess xEnumerationAccess = (XEnumerationAccess) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(, xText);
xParagraphEnumeration = xEnumerationAccess.createEnumeration();
// Loop through all paragraphs of the document
while (xParagraphEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
logger.debug("------------------------------- new paragraph");
xTextElement = (XTextContent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTextContent.class, xParagraphEnumeration.nextElement());
XServiceInfo xServiceInfo = (XServiceInfo) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XServiceInfo.class, xTextElement);
String[] services = xServiceInfo.getSupportedServiceNames();
for (int si = 0; si < services.length; si++) {
logger.debug("service " + services[si]);
// check if the current paragraph is really a paragraph or an
// anchor of a frame or picture
if (xServiceInfo.supportsService("")) {
XTextRange xTextRange = xTextElement.getAnchor();
logger.debug("This is a Paragraph");
// create another enumeration to get all text portions of
// the paragraph
xParaEnumerationAccess = (XEnumerationAccess) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, xTextElement);
xTextPortionEnum = xParaEnumerationAccess.createEnumeration();
while (xTextPortionEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
XTextRange xTextPortion = (XTextRange) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XTextRange.class, xTextPortionEnum
logger.debug("Text from the portion : "
+ xTextPortion.getString());
XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xTextPortion);
logger.debug("font name: "
+ xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("CharFontName"));
// PropertyState status of each text portion.
XPropertyState xPropertyState = (XPropertyState) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XPropertyState.class, xTextPortion);
if (xPropertyState.getPropertyState("CharWeight").equals(
.debug("- The text range contains more than one different attributes");
if (xPropertyState.getPropertyState("CharWeight").equals(
logger.debug(" - The text range contains hard formats");
if (xPropertyState.getPropertyState("CharWeight").equals(
.debug(" - The text range doesn't contains hard formats");
} else if (xServiceInfo
.supportsService("")) {
logger.debug("this is a table");
} else {
logger.debug("The text portion isn't a text paragraph");
}// while
private void enumerateBookmarks(XComponent xComp,
DocumentModel documentModel) throws NoSuchElementException,
WrappedTargetException {
// accessing the bookmark collection of the document
XBookmarksSupplier xBookmarksSupplier = (XBookmarksSupplier) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XBookmarksSupplier.class, xComp);
if (xBookmarksSupplier != null) {
XNameAccess xNamedBookmarks = xBookmarksSupplier.getBookmarks();
String bookmarks[] = xNamedBookmarks.getElementNames();
Object bookmark = null, previousBookmark = null;
for (int b = 0; b < bookmarks.length; b++) {
if (bookmark != null) {
previousBookmark = bookmark;
bookmark = xNamedBookmarks.getByName(bookmarks[b]);
// we need its XTextRange which is available from
// getAnchor(),
// so query for XTextContent
XTextContent xBookmarkContent = (XTextContent) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XTextContent.class, bookmark);
// get the anchor of the bookmark (its XTextRange)
XTextRange xBookmarkRange = xBookmarkContent.getAnchor();
if (previousBookmark != null) {
XTextRange x_previousBookmarkRange = ((XTextContent) UnoRuntime
// set the bookmark text
// xBookmarkRange.setString("test");
logger.debug("bookmark " + bookmarks[b] + ", text "
+ xBookmarkRange.getString());
documentModel.addBookmark(bookmarks[b], xBookmarkRange
private void enumerateTables(XComponent xComp, DocumentModel documentModel)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException,
UnknownPropertyException {
// first query the XTextTablesSupplier interface from our document
XTextTablesSupplier xTablesSupplier = (XTextTablesSupplier) UnoRuntime
.queryInterface(XTextTablesSupplier.class, xComp);
// get the tables collection
XNameAccess xNamedTables = xTablesSupplier.getTextTables();
// now query the XIndexAccess from the tables collection
XIndexAccess xIndexedTables = (XIndexAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XIndexAccess.class, xNamedTables);
// we need properties
XPropertySet xTableProps = null;
// get the tables
for (int i = 0; i < xIndexedTables.getCount(); i++) {
Object table = xIndexedTables.getByIndex(i);
logger.debug("------------------------- recognized table ");
// the properties
xTableProps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, table);
Property props[] = xTableProps.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties();
for (int props_idx = 0; props_idx < props.length; props_idx++) {
// logger.debug("table props " + props[props_idx].Name + ", "
// + xTableProps.getPropertyValue(props[props_idx].Name));
XTextTable xTextTable = (XTextTable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTextTable.class, table);
XTableRows rows = xTextTable.getRows();
XTableColumns columns = xTextTable.getColumns();
XCellRange cellRange = (XCellRange) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XCellRange.class, table);
ArrayList righe = new ArrayList();
for (int row_idx = 0; row_idx < rows.getCount(); row_idx++) {
logger.debug("scanning row# " + row_idx);
String colonna[] = new String[columns.getCount()];
for (int col_idx = 0; col_idx < columns.getCount(); col_idx++) {
// WARNING: the first parameter is the column, the
// second
// parameter is the row
XCell xCell = cellRange.getCellByPosition(col_idx, row_idx);
XText xCellText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XText.class, xCell);
logger.debug("cell (" + col_idx + "," + row_idx + "): "
+ xCellText.getText().getString());
colonna[col_idx] = xCellText.getText().getString();
+ xTableProps.getPropertyValue("LinkDisplayName"), righe);
public DocumentModel parse(String sUrl) throws Exception {
DocumentModel documentModel = new DocumentModel();
DocConnection docConnection = new DocConnection();
XComponent xComp = null;
Exception ex = null;
try {
// open connection
xComp =;
// parse
parse(xComp, documentModel);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e, e);
ex = e;
} finally {
if (ex != null) {
throw ex;
return documentModel;
public DocumentModel parse(XComponent xComp, DocumentModel documentModel)
throws Exception {
// enumerateTextComponents(xComp, documentModel);
enumerateFormComponents(getFormComponentTreeRoot(xComp), " ",
enumerateBookmarks(xComp, documentModel);
enumerateTables(xComp, documentModel);
return documentModel;
// the previous code can be tested with the following class
package docreader;
public class TestDocReader {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DocReaderParser parser = new DocReaderParser();
DocumentModel documentModel = parser
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
monitoring dependencies between jar files
a script to use the jarjar utility on Windows
Make sure to run the dos console with the delayed environment variable expansion option enable, that is cmd /V:ON
the script has to be called with an argument specifying the directory containing the set of jar files
Make sure to run the dos console with the delayed environment variable expansion option enable, that is cmd /V:ON
echo off FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /S /B %1\*.jar') DO ( SET CP=!CP!;%%G ) java -jar jarjar-1.0.jar find jar %CP%
the script has to be called with an argument specifying the directory containing the set of jar files
Monday, 16 November 2009
session management on WebSphere
WebSphere adds a prefix to the session identifiers, which will not be included by the getId method of the HttpSession object.
This would cause problems in such cases when you need to enable a process external to the browser to work inside an already existing session created by an user logged on the web interface.
This would cause problems in such cases when you need to enable a process external to the browser to work inside an already existing session created by an user logged on the web interface.
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); String standardSessionID = session.getId(); //standardSessionID does not contain the cache prefix String header = request.getHeader("Cookie"); //header contains the string "JSESSIONID=" String fromHeaderSessionID = header.substring(11); //fromHeaderSessionID contains the WebSphere cache prefix //and can be sent to the server as a JSESSIONID cookie or as a part of the url, //as in the string Strig url = ";jsessionid=" + fromHeaderSessionID;
Thursday, 12 November 2009
load balance on Tomcat 5.5 with Apache web server
a very interesting post on how to set up a farm environment
with different instances of Tomcat 5.5 and an Apache web server
with different instances of Tomcat 5.5 and an Apache web server
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
retrieve the HttpServletRequest on an Axis server object
MessageContext context = org.apache.axis.MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); request = (HttpServletRequest)context.getProperty( org.apache.axis.transport.http. HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST);
Monday, 9 November 2009
debug the network activity of a process on Windows
find the process (service) id with
then type
where <processid> is the process id found by tasklist.
tasklist /SVC
then type
netstat -aovn | findstr <processid>
where <processid> is the process id found by tasklist.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
how to sync (in simulation mode) the folder myRootPackage under /http/www/myWebapp/WEB-INF/classes on the host "hostname", in the folder /http/lib/myWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/ on the local host
rsync --rsh="/usr/bin/ssh -l username" -avzn --size-only hostname:/http/www/myWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/myRootPackage /http/lib/myWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/
Friday, 6 November 2009
tar gz
to create a tar.gz file
on Solaris:
tar -czvf archive.tgz directory --exclude "file"
to extract a tar.gz file
tar xvzf file.tar.gz
on Solaris:
tar cf tomcat7.tar /tomcat7 | gzip -f tomcat7.tar
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
log swallowing on Tomcat
In order to split the catalina.out across multiple files, each one of which created every day, it's useful to configure the context xml descriptor as below (tested on Tomcat 5.0.28)
which will create every day a new file called
containing the daily ouput
This technique is referred to as "output swallowing" on Tomcat
(note the swallowOutput="true")
/usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/myApp.xml <context path="/myWebApp" swallowOutput="true"> <logger directory="logs" className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" prefix="myApp_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/> </Context>
which will create every day a new file called
containing the daily ouput
This technique is referred to as "output swallowing" on Tomcat
(note the swallowOutput="true")
What's blocking my lock?
Here comes an extremely clear and interesting article, written by Natalka Roshalk, about Oracle locks and how to monitor what's going on when a lock is blocking a session
read the article
read the article
Friday, 30 October 2009
script to delete recursively all the CVS folders from a directory on Windows
Here comes a useful script to be run on the root folder of a CVS checked out project, in order to recursively delete all the CVS system folders named "CVS".
This comes useful when I need to copy some folders directly from a CVS project to another file systems without the need to export the project from the CVS.
If you paste the script directly in the Windows console, replace %%G with %G.
This comes useful when I need to copy some folders directly from a CVS project to another file systems without the need to export the project from the CVS.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /A:D /S *CVS') DO rmdir /S /Q %%G
If you paste the script directly in the Windows console, replace %%G with %G.
batch script on Windows to get the current date
I've come across the need of getting the current date,
inside a batch file on Windows, here's how to do it:
inside a batch file on Windows, here's how to do it:
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a IN ('date /t') DO ( SET FileDate=%%c-%%b-%%a ) echo executing backup in date %FileDate%
Subversion resources
I've found a complete and interesting description of the Subversion system, at
Intervals intersection in SQL
An interesting problem, elegantly solved with the use of SQL language, is the calculation of intersections between sets of intervals.
An example of this problem is arranging a meeting for a group of people, each person lists his availabilities specifying a set of time intervals
We need to find out the time slots in which all the persons in the group are able to participate in that meeting.
the solution is the following set of intervals
{[5,6], [10,12]}
Let's create the table TIMESLOTS (uid, start, end) whose rows contain for each person, identified by uid, timeslots which fit. They are defined by the start and end column.
The table in our example would be populated as follows
person start end
A 1 3
A 5 12
A 20 21
B 2 6
B 10 13
C 4 14
Assuming that in the table TIMESLOTS for each person timeslots are disjoint, that is they don't overlap (this is a non-restrictive assumption, in general) we can solve the problem of the intersection by mean of the following considerations:
the solution contains intervals whose delimiters are delimiters of some intervals in TIMESLOTS: actually, for example, the solution interval [5, 6] is delimited by the point 5, being a delimiter for the interval [5, 12] belonging to the A person, and by the point 6, being a delimiter for the interval [2, 6] belonging to the person B.
Considering the Cartesian product of the table TIMESLOTS, we get couples of the form ([fst.start, fst.end], [lst.start, lst.end]) representing all the possible combinations of delimiters for the intervals included in the table. The solution will then contain intervals of the form [fst.start, lst.end]. Among all these couples, those that concern us are the ones for which it holds fst.start < lst.end, namely the left delimiter is less than the right one, and for which every person has a suitable time availability, that is for every person it exists a "covering" interval.
This idea can be translated in the following SQL query:
that only under such circumstances makes it possible to count the number of people who have time availability compatible with the time interval [fst.start, lst.end].
Bibliography: Vadim Tropashko, "SQL Design Patterns: Expert Guide to SQL Programming", Rampant Techpress
An example of this problem is arranging a meeting for a group of people, each person lists his availabilities specifying a set of time intervals
We need to find out the time slots in which all the persons in the group are able to participate in that meeting.
PERSONS 1 3 5 10 12 20 21 A ---- ---------------- ---- B -------- ------ C ----------------------
the solution is the following set of intervals
{[5,6], [10,12]}
Let's create the table TIMESLOTS (uid, start, end) whose rows contain for each person, identified by uid, timeslots which fit. They are defined by the start and end column.
The table in our example would be populated as follows
person start end
A 1 3
A 5 12
A 20 21
B 2 6
B 10 13
C 4 14
Assuming that in the table TIMESLOTS for each person timeslots are disjoint, that is they don't overlap (this is a non-restrictive assumption, in general) we can solve the problem of the intersection by mean of the following considerations:
the solution contains intervals whose delimiters are delimiters of some intervals in TIMESLOTS: actually, for example, the solution interval [5, 6] is delimited by the point 5, being a delimiter for the interval [5, 12] belonging to the A person, and by the point 6, being a delimiter for the interval [2, 6] belonging to the person B.
Considering the Cartesian product of the table TIMESLOTS, we get couples of the form ([fst.start, fst.end], [lst.start, lst.end]) representing all the possible combinations of delimiters for the intervals included in the table. The solution will then contain intervals of the form [fst.start, lst.end]. Among all these couples, those that concern us are the ones for which it holds fst.start < lst.end, namely the left delimiter is less than the right one, and for which every person has a suitable time availability, that is for every person it exists a "covering" interval.
This idea can be translated in the following SQL query:
SELECT DISTINCT fst.start, lst.end
FROM timeslots fst, timeslots lst
WHERE fst.start < lst.end
( -- number of intervals covering [fst.start, lst.end]
FROM timeslots t
WHERE t.start <= fst.start AND t.end >= lst.end
) =
( -- number of persons in the table
FROM timeslots
the hypothesis that the intervals of a single person must be separated, in TIMESLOTS, is justified by the subquery
FROM timeslots t
WHERE t.start <= fst.start AND t.end >= lst.end
that only under such circumstances makes it possible to count the number of people who have time availability compatible with the time interval [fst.start, lst.end].
Bibliography: Vadim Tropashko, "SQL Design Patterns: Expert Guide to SQL Programming", Rampant Techpress
A minimal microcontroller based project involving serial port communication
link to a pdf file explaining a minimal microcontroller based project involving serial port communication.
how to find a Java class inside a set of jar files
These are commands to be run from the shell to locate a Java class into a set of jar files, usually in a WEB-INF/lib directory in a J2EE application server.
On Windows
Make sure to run the script from a dos console with the delayed environment variable expansion option enable, that is cmd /V:ON
The script is to be called with two arguments, the first is the folder where to search in, the second is the class name
On *nix
where /usr/jdk1.5.0_07 is the path where the JDK resides and JavaClass.class is the class name to be searched
On Windows
Make sure to run the script from a dos console with the delayed environment variable expansion option enable, that is cmd /V:ON
The script is to be called with two arguments, the first is the folder where to search in, the second is the class name
echo off FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /S /B /S %1\*.jar') DO ( echo %%G jar -tf %%G | findstr %2 )
On *nix
find -ls -exec sh -c '/usr/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/jar tf $1 | grep JavaClass.class' {} {} \;
where /usr/jdk1.5.0_07 is the path where the JDK resides and JavaClass.class is the class name to be searched
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