-- The function accepts three parameters, the same as the standard REPLACE function. --1. p_clob: The CLOB data --2. p_what: The search string --3. p_with: The replacement string FUNCTION dfn_clobReplace ( p_clob IN CLOB, p_what IN VARCHAR2, p_with IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN CLOB IS c_whatLen CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := LENGTH(p_what); c_withLen CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := LENGTH(p_with); l_return CLOB; l_segment CLOB; l_pos PLS_INTEGER := 1-c_withLen; l_offset PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN --It first checks that the p_what string is not null, to save time checking the CLOB. IF p_what IS NOT NULL THEN --The function then begins the first of two loops. The outer loop splits the main CLOB into segments of 32K, so that the inner loop can process the data. WHILE l_offset < DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(p_clob) LOOP l_segment := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_clob,32767,l_offset); LOOP --The inner loop then checks for the search string, p_what, in the segment of CLOB that is current being processed. l_pos := DBMS_LOB.INSTR(l_segment,p_what,l_pos+c_withLen); EXIT WHEN (NVL(l_pos,0) = 0) OR (l_pos = 32767-c_withLen); --If the search string is not found it exits the loop to process the next segment. --If the search string is found at the very end of the string, it moves on to the next segment to be processed, --as the **** segments overlap by the length of the search string ****, so a search string occurring over a segment break does not get missed. l_segment := TO_CLOB( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(l_segment,l_pos-1) ||p_with ||DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(l_segment,32767-c_whatLen-l_pos-c_whatLen+1,l_pos+c_whatLen)); END LOOP; --The segment is then rebuilt, from the data before the search string, the replacement string, then the data after the search string. l_return := l_return||l_segment; l_offset := l_offset + 32767 - c_whatLen; --The processed segment is then added to the return CLOB and the offset for the segment is increased by 32K minus the search string length. END LOOP; END IF; RETURN(l_return); END;
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Wednesday, 28 September 2011
search and replace in an Oracle CLOB
Here comes a very useful function which replaces a string in a CLOB with another string
the function has been taken out from http://www.astral-consultancy.co.uk/cgi-bin/hunbug/doco.cgi?11080
Oracle PL/SQL
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